Maryland Public Service Commission Staff EM&V Independent Evaluator (2010–Present). Mr. Loper oversees the statewide evaluation of the EmPOWER Maryland energy efficiency programs. The multi-year evaluation findings are reported to the Maryland Public Service Commission and staff. Mr. Loper provides strategic guidance, technical assistance, and analyses related to evaluation of gross and net impacts, as well as process evaluation, cost effectiveness, and analysis of co-benefits.
Impact, Process and Market Evaluation of Interstate Power and Light’s 2014 Portfolio of Energy Efficiency, Demand Response and Renewable Energy programs (2015–2016). Itron and its subcontractors conducted a comprehensive, integrated evaluation of IPL’s entire portfolio of energy efficiency, demand response, renewable energy, and behavioral programs offered during calendar year 2014 (a total of 24 individual programs). Mr. Loper led the evaluation of the residential HVAC programs and the residential prescriptive programs.
Public Utilities Commission of Texas Statewide Evaluation, Measurement, and Verification Study (2013–2014). This evaluation involved the statewide impact and process evaluation of the Texas investor owned utilities’ commercial and industrial (C&I) energy efficiency standard offer programs and solar and load management programs. Mr. Loper led the evaluation of the Texas IOU Commercial Standard Offer programs.
Verification Reports for Maryland EmPOWER Programs. Lead Author with various Itron staff. For Maryland Public Service Commission. Annual since 2010.
“Issues with Evaluation of Early Replacement HVAC Projects Rebated through the Home Performance with Energy Star Program.” International Energy Performance Evaluation Conference. 2017.
EmPOWER Maryland Impact Evaluation Guidance. Prepared for Maryland Public Service Commission. Annual since 2016.
Energy Efficiency Programs: 2014 Residential Energy Efficiency Programs. “Residential Prescriptive Rebates” Chapter. Lead Author with Kumar Chittory and Chris Murphy. For Iowa Power & Light. 2016.
“Any Which Way the Wind Blows: Estimating Air Emissions Externality Costs.” International Energy Performance Evaluation Conference. 2015.
Development and Application of Select Non-Energy Benefits for the EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Programs. Lead Author with Sharyn Barata. 2015.
Cost Effectiveness Results for 2012 Energy Efficiency Programs in Maryland. Prepared for Maryland Public Service Commission. Lead author with Mike Messenger. October 2013.